
Welcome to the Monthly Giving resource section (books, presentations, good examples of web pages, videos, interviews and articles)


The book on monthly giving, by Harvey McKinnon:   "Hidden Gold", paperback version available at HMA or Amazon, click here.   "This book will tell you everything you need to know about the most important growth area in fundraising. Harvey reveals the secrets that have helped his clients raise millions of dollars through monthly giving. Hidden Gold is a great read and an essential resource for fundraisers of any size organization.” (Ken Burnett review.)

 Monthly Giving - The Sleeping Giant, by Erica Waasdorp. And click here for a review of the book.

Slide Shows

Integrated Monthly Giving - a joint presentation from Harvey McKinnon and Associes (HMA) and HJC New Media on integrating your monthly giving program across the organization . multi-channel.

Monthly Giving and the Next Generation of Giving

The Holy Grail of Monthly Giving:  Finding, Keeping and Loving Sustainers, a joint presentation by Harvey McKinnon, Teva Harrison, NCC and Ryann Miller, Care2.

Links to good examples of monthly giving web landing pages

Amnesty International (Canada) has a robust monthly giving program.  This is the current link to their monthly giving landing page. 

And here is an example of their older landing page which we've included here to show the good summary (in the right-hand margin) of why it's important, also see the testimonial on the same page.

Mercy Corps has a clear and easy to navigate monthly giving page including clever use of a matching opportunity for the donor's first monthly gift.

Jane Goodall Institute (Canada) - their monthly giving page is simple, 'clean', and has a good-size font.

The monthly giving page of Greenpeace Canada shows a good example of offering donors the option to give by credit card or direct-debit.  
TIP:  notice the pop-up menu when you change the method of payment from the default of credit card to direct debit from your chequing account.

OXFAM Canada's monthly giving landing page includes bullet-point listings of (1) why monthlyu giving is the best way to give and (2) the benefits of monthly giving.

EXAMPLES OF MONTHLY GIVING CAMPAIGNS from SOFII (Showcase for Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration)

A mail campaign from Doctors Without Borders re: converting one-time donors to monthly donors (referred to here as "regular donors"), Australia

A High Donor Monthly Giving Campaign, from Greenpeace UK.

ARTICLES - with thanks to contributors

Why Every Nonprofit Needs a Monthly Giving Program - article by Harvey McKinnon on Charity Info

Harvey's Seven Reasons Why Every Organization Should Recruit Monthly Donors - by Lisa MacDonald on Charity Info

Four More Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Monthly Giving Program, by Eliza Slone on 
"nth Factor blog"

The Three "R"s of Monthly Giving:  Recruitment, Retention and Renewal by Alison Keys of Keys Direct Marketing

Setting Up a Program?  Start Small - But Do Start", from Pamela Grow's blog.

10 Things You Need to Know About Setting Up a Monthly Giving Program, by Heather Fignar

Attrition - "Ways to Stop the Bleeding" from Cornerstone

Retaining Monthly Donors, by Mark Pitman on ngEngage

Donor Retention:  lengthy but worthwhile paper by leading philanthropy academic and researcher Adrian Sargeant,  "Donor Retention: What Do We Know and What Can We Do About It?"


Lengthy but worth reading: interview with Harvey McKinnon, on "Pamela's Grantwriting Blog".

Author of "Monthly Giving - the Sleeping Giant"  Erica Waasdorp talks about Direct Mail and Monthly Giving.

Interview with Jo Sullivan, Successful MonthlyGiving Programs.

Interview with fundraising maestro Ken Burnett.


Stephen Lewis talks about the importance of monthly giving to the Stephen Lewis Foundation in this short video

Video: Monthly Giving - a Tool for Sustainable Fundraising  (Vimeo)

From the Kersten Agency (USA), "What Motivates Monthly Giving?"

This is clever, an 11-second video from Arizona PBS thanking monthly donors for making a "pledge-free" day possible.  

We welcome your suggestions of other material to add.

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